Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant Treatment

Operation Time : 7-8 Hours
Anesthesia : Local Anesthesia
Recovery Duration : 12-15 Days
Accomodation : 5 Days
Length of Stay in Hospital : -

What is Hair Transplant?
Hair transplantation is basically the name given to the surgical procedures performed using different techniques to restore the lost or thinned hair to its former appearance. Hair transplantation, which is generally performed regardless of age range or gender, is often preferred by men in their 50s. Hair transplantation, which is a widely applied procedure in our country and in the world, is a procedure preferred by people who are uncomfortable with their appearance and have a lack of self-confidence.
Our hair is considered one of the most important parts of our appearance and aesthetics. Many people want to have healthy and lush hair. However, hair loss and thinning are encountered in both men and women, mainly due to several factors such as genetics, age, hormonal factors, stress, air pollution, vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The biggest cause of hair loss in men is genetic factors. The most common cause of hair loss problems in women is hormonal factors and deficiencies in vitamin and mineral levels such as B12 and iron. Today, it is possible to eliminate these problems with hair transplantation methods.


Preparations Before Hair Transplant
First of all, it is important to consult and get information from your doctor about which procedure is appropriate, whether you have met the necessary conditions, the healing process and the risk before deciding on surgery. The preoperative process basically starts with the patient's request for surgery to the physician.
The most important issues we face in the next process are as follows:

Surgeon Selection
Since hair transplant surgery is a meticulous procedure, it should be performed by experienced surgeons in order to obtain a successful result and to prevent unnecessary correction operations. You can also get information about the technique to be used by interviewing your doctor before the operation.

Things to Consider
In this process, there are some rules recommended by your doctor, which you must follow and obey. These are:

• Do not consume anything, including water, the night before the surgery.
• If you smoke, you should stop or reduce smoking a while before the surgery by consulting your doctor.
• Pay attention to a healthy diet and not to consume alcohol in the last week before the operation.
• Inform your physician of the medicines, herbs and supplements you have been using recently. For example, some drugs (such as aspirin) may cause post-operative bleeding. For this reason, you should strictly follow your doctor's recommendations. In this context, drugs that can slow blood clotting and drugs prohibited by your doctor should not be used.
• Any spray, gel, etc. for your hair should not be used.
• Heavy exercises should not be done the day before the hair transplant procedure.
• Wearing wide and comfortable clothes and shoes, preferably on the day of hair transplantation, will allow you to spend the postoperative period more comfortably.


Extra Precautions
You may need to be accompanied by a relative or friend who will stay with you for the first 24 hours after the surgery and drive for you.
You may need to minimize your responsibilities at home and at work. For this, you can prepare a meal in advance, complete your heavy work (e.g., cleaning chores) a few days in advance, or ask someone close to you to help for a brief time.
You can make a small list in advance of what you may need extra on the day of surgery. Entering the surgery by providing all of them will facilitate the post-operative process.


How Long Does Hair Transplant Surgery Take?
Hair transplant surgery may differ depending on the procedure and the transplant area. Estimated time is 4 to 6 hours. Usually, the patient is discharged after the surgery and the patient is sent home to rest.


After Hair Transplant
Recovery time after hair transplantation varies according to the person and the type of surgery. The recovery time of patients after the operation varies according to the technique used by the surgeon and how qualified your surgeon is.
Here are some recommendations for patients who want to recover in a brief time and continue their daily lives.


What to Do After the Surgery

-Since heavy activities and intense sports exercises make you sweat, such activities should be avoided.
-It is important to protect the hair transplant area. It is recommended to wash the hair on the third day after the operation.
-The hair transplant area should be meticulously protected from the sun.
-It is recommended not to drive a car after the operation.
-Pain and edema may be experienced in the post-operative period and therefore regular use of painkillers may be required.
-Care should be taken while lying on the hair transplant area, so patients are advised to lie on their back.
-Although the critical level of the situation is over on the 4th and 15th days after hair transplantation, the risk still continues.
-The rate of new hair growth because of the operation is 30% in the first three months, 60% in the following sixth month, and 100% success in one year from the date of the operation. But of course, patience is required in this process. The growth of new hair depends on certain factors, especially age, lifestyle, genetic factors, and may vary depending on these factors.
-You should definitely stay away from places such as sauna, solarium and Turkish bath for a while.
-Processes such as cutting or dyeing should not be applied for a while for newly grown hair. In addition, non-abnormal crusting can be seen on the newly grown scalp.
-In the first month following the hair transplant, the hair starts to unite. It is important to use hair products recommended by your doctor after the operation.


In Which Situations Can Hair Transplantation Be Done?
Hair transplant operation is a suitable operation for anyone with hair loss and hair thinning. However, patients must meet certain conditions. If:
You have completed your physical development,
If there is a suitable structure and enough hair follicles in the donor area on your head,
If you do not have any physiological disease that prevents the hair transplant operation,
If there is a suitable space for hair follicle transplantation in the area to be transplanted, you are a suitable candidate for hair transplant operation.
Hair transplant surgery is successfully applied not only to hair loss seen in men, but also to local cavities, burn scars, scars, surgery or stitches caused by various diseases. At the same time, hair transplantation is successfully applied in female patients. In certain cases, unshaven transplantation can also be done according to the size of the bald area in women.


Who Cannot Have Hair Transplantation?
Hair transplantation is one of the most performed surgical operations in the world. The most preferred FUE method is an operation suitable for anyone over the age of 18. However, if the patients have a skin disease in addition to hair loss, sufficient efficiency cannot be obtained from the procedure. Therefore, patients with any other disease should first resolve the relevant situation. For hair transplantation, there should be no physiological diseases and there should be enough healthy donors in the field.



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